Switching Paths: Peter Ullrich from Psychology to Elixir and Founding Indie Courses

Adolfo Neto hosts Peter Ullrich, the founder of Indie Courses and a senior Elixir engineer, to discuss his transition from a background in psychology to software engineering and the founding of Indie Courses. Peter elaborates on his passion for building and how Elixir has shaped his career.

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FLAME: A New Approach to Elastic Scaling in Elixir

Chris McCord presents FLAME, a new serverless architecture pattern in Elixir, debunking common issues with auto-scaling and demonstrating how to achieve granular elastic scaling with ease. He introduces and explains the key concepts behind FLAME and showcases practical examples, such as generating PDFs, running headless Chrome for page speed tests, and handling machine learning workloads. McCord emphasizes the simplicity and power of FLAME in the Elixir ecosystem, significantly simplifying the development and deployment process of elastically scalable applications.

Resolving LSP Diagnostic on Elixir Ecto.Schema Changeset Function

TheWholeThing discusses an issue with Language Server Protocol (LSP) diagnostics in Elixir when working with Ecto.Schema.

The Evolution of the BEAM Virtual Machine and Mastering Concurrency

Erik Stenman provides an overview of the BEAM virtual machine's 30-year evolution, highlighting its reliable concurrency model and how it shaped robust, fault-tolerant systems. He shares experiences from Klarna, showcasing BEAM's ability to support concurrent programming efficiently.

Design considerations for modeling real-world entities as actors in Elixir

Sexy-Swordfish shares their thoughts on designing an actor-based system in Elixir to represent real-world entities in complex applications, using examples from social networks and telephony systems.

Troubleshooting Ecto Associations and Insert Query

George Summers is experiencing an issue with settings up Ecto associations in an Elixir project involving a SQLite database. They are trying to figure out why an unexpected error occurs when inserting new entries into a many-to-many relation.

Utilizing Remote GPUs for AI with Elixir

This video tutorial explains why Elixir and the BEAM are well-suited for AI projects, particularly when scaling work across multiple machines. It demonstrates how to use Elixir's Livebook to connect to remote GPUs to optimize local AI tasks.

Integrating Mermaid JS with Phoenix LiveView

Author skwyckl discusses challenges in rendering Mermaid JS graphs within a Phoenix LiveView web app and seeks post-processing solutions.

Learning Elixir as a C# Developer

7turtlereddit is seeking advice on how to effectively learn Elixir, specifically when transitioning from C-style OOP languages like C#.

Exploring Nerves for IoT and Embedded Systems in Elixir

Lars Wikman explores the potential of using Elixir in IoT and embedded systems through The Nerves Project.

Problem Deploying Phoenix App on Fly.io with Custom Domain

WoT_Abridged encountered a deployment issue with their Phoenix project on Fly.io using a custom domain, 'wordsmith.pub'. Despite setting up DNS and certificates, their custom domain displays a 'Something went wrong' error, while the fly.dev URL works fine.

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