Creating a Budget Tracking App in Phoenix LiveView

[series] Build a complete budget tracking app in Phoenix LiveView! In this episode, we create a basic detail view for individual budgets while learning patterns for handling UUIDs and securing routes.

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Using Ecto and PostgreSQL for Effective Chart Data Normalization

Dan Schultzer discusses methods for preparing datasets for charts in Phoenix applications, emphasizing the importance of properly normalized data.

Integrating ECharts with Phoenix LiveView for Live Chart Updates

Dan Schultzer discusses how to implement ECharts in a Phoenix LiveView application for dynamic charting. The article covers dependencies, setting up hooks, managing live updates, and handling data for visualizations.

Understanding Vector Search and Embeddings for AI Applications

In this tutorial, learn how to build a natural language search application using AI models based on the TMDB movie database.

Implementing a View Model for UI State in Phoenix LiveView

This article discusses the implementation of a view model in Phoenix LiveView to manage UI states for items in a user interface.

Changing Field Types in Ecto Embedded Schemas: A Migration Guide

This article provides a guide on changing the field type from a string to a list of strings in an Ecto embedded schema, addressing both code and migration challenges.

Exploring Ash and Its Connection to Large Language Models

In this webinar, Josh Price discusses Ash and its introspective capabilities in relation to large language models (LLMs).

Logging with Telemetry in Elixir to Reduce Duplication

In this note, the author discusses how to reduce duplicate logging statements when using telemetry in an Elixir LiveView application by creating handlers that log telemetry events.

Elixir Community Updates and Security Insights

Mark Ericksen discusses recent news in the Elixir community, including Erlang/OTP's OpenChain certification, the release of a new book, security audits, and an upcoming conference.

Implementing Soft Deletes and Audit Logging in PostgreSQL with Ecto

Dan Schultzer discusses implementing soft deletes in PostgreSQL using Ecto, focusing on creating an audit log for deleted records.

Improving Elixir diffs using Difftastic

Difftastic is a structural diffing tool that significantly improves the readability of diffs for Elixir code. The author discusses their experience with using Difftastic and contributing to its codebase.

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