Introduction to Mix: The Elixir Build Tool

Daniel Berg explains Mix, the build tool for Elixir. The video covers various functionalities of Mix such as project creation, compiling, testing, and code formatting.

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Discussion of Elixir Community Updates and ElixirConf 2024

In episode 212, the hosts discuss the latest updates in the Elixir community and give a preview of ElixirConf 2024.

Podcast episode discussing ElixirConf 2024

Elixir Wizards and Thinking Elixir combine forces to discuss ElixirConf 2024. Hosts Owen, Sundi, David, and Mark recap past conferences and preview upcoming events.

Guide to Integrating Sonnet 3.5 with Phoenix Liveview Using Anthropic API

Ch Virinchi shows how to leverage the Anthropic API to integrate Sonnet 3.5 with Phoenix Liveview, complete with example code and steps to setup.

Integrating Gleam for Enhanced Type Safety in Elixir

Paweł Świątkowski discusses integrating Gleam with Elixir to gain type safety features for Elixir applications.

Deploying and Integrating LLMs on

Chris McCord demonstrates deploying a large language model on GPU and integrating it with an application.

Introduction of Hypermnesia for Automatic Conflict Resolution in Mnesia

In a talk at Code BEAM Europe 2023, Vincent Liu outlines the development and benefits of Hypermnesia, an extension to the Mnesia database for Erlang applications that introduces automatic conflict resolution using eventual consistency and CRDTs.

Practical Uses of Telemetry in Elixir Applications

Zac Barnes discusses the practical implementation of Telemetry in production Elixir applications.

Evaluating the Use of Processes in Phoenix Applications

In this talk recorded at Code BEAM Europe 2023, Brian Underwood presents a demo of a ride-sharing application to investigate the need and performance of different process architectures in Phoenix and PostgreSQL applications.

Understanding TLS Implementation and Challenges in Erlang/OTP

Ignela Andin discusses the implementation of TLS in the Erlang/OTP team, focusing on the authenticity aspect and the various challenges and tradeoffs faced.

A blog series on creating SDKs using Req in Elixir

Author Wojtek Mach: Published a blog mini-series on creating SDKs with Req, covering Stripe and S3 integrations.

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