Announcing Supabase Potion: A Complete Elixir Client for Supabase Services

Announcing Supabase Potion: A Complete Elixir Client for Supabase Services
zoedsoupe presents Supabase Potion, a unified Elixir client library designed to integrate various Supabase services like Auth, Storage, and PostgREST. The library aims to simplify the use of Supabase with features such as Ecto integration for PostgREST, configurations to manage multiple clients using Erlang/OTP, and upcoming real-time support for Phoenix LiveView. The features currently implemented include full support for Supabase Storage, comprehensive authentication options with Supabase Auth, and complete query API integration for Supabase PostgREST. The library's source code and related components are available on GitHub. Feedback and suggestions are welcomed, as zoedsoupe has already employed this library in several projects.

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