Ash Framework 3.0 Pre-Launch Announcement and Call for Community Feedback

Ash Framework 3.0 Pre-Launch Announcement and Call for Community Feedback


Type: Discussion

Zach Daniel has announced the readiness for adventurous users to try the latest release candidates of Ash library and its related packages. The announcement signifies the culmination of years of work by the Ash team and the community. A GitHub issue has been set up to track the status and updates of community packages and example applications. The team is currently focusing on updating documentation, rewriting guides, introducing a new cookbook, and preparing to give training at ElixirConf EU and Gig City Elixir. With the themes of security, simplicity, and developer experience guiding Ash Framework 3.0, notable changes include all fields being private by default, and always performing authorization checks. Users are encouraged to follow the upgrade guide provided meticulously, and reach out to the team on the Elixir forum or discord for help if needed. The official launch will follow a bug-fixing and feedback phase of about 3-4 weeks. Ash 2.x will continue receiving critical bug fixes and security upgrades for a minimum of six months post the launch of 3.0.

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