Building a Basic ChatGPT Plugin with Elixir Phoenix

Building a Basic ChatGPT Plugin with Elixir Phoenix
Jason Stiebs explains the process of developing a ChatGPT Plugin within the Elixir Phoenix framework to connect a knowledge database with GPT-4, assisting users in navigating complex information. The Elixir Phoenix application acts as a standard JSON API, with a necessary searchable database backend. He guides us through setting up a new Phoenix project, generating JSON APIs, and configuring the routing and view layers. The plugin must meet certain requirements such as enabling CORS and serving specific files for compatibility with ChatGPT. Jason demonstrates how to set up CORS using the `cors_plug` library, configuring static paths, and developing `openapi.yaml` and `.well-known/ai-plugin.json` files. These configurations describe the API to ChatGPT and define how it should interact with the documentation being searched. By following this guide, users can create a functional plugin for ChatGPT to retrieve documents based on set prompts, enhancing the AI's search capabilities

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