Building Dynamic Queries in Ecto

Building Dynamic Queries in Ecto


Type: Post

In the article 'Dynamic Queries in Ecto,' Bartosz Górka explains how Ecto allows for easy data manipulation in databases through its API, enabling the creation of complex and readable queries. The security is improved due to execution security and precompiled queries, reducing the risk of SQL Injection and other vulnerabilities. The article further delves into keyword syntax and pipe-based versions of writing queries. Górka discusses the use of 'Ecto.Query.dynamic/2' macro for building query fragments that can be interpolated into a single large query, along with the 'Ecto.Query.field/2' function to specify fields without hard-coding their names within the query. Practical code examples are provided, demonstrating how to dynamically create and filter queries based on user input, showcasing its application in real-world scenarios like the 'pentacent/keila' repository on GitHub.

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