Comparing Testing Approaches in Elixir Development

Comparing Testing Approaches in Elixir Development
The content by Armanm delves into the topic of Test-Driven Development (TDD) in Elixir, contrasting the two primary testing methodologies from Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)—the Detroit (aka Classic or Chicago) and London approaches. The Detroit approach focuses on asserting the output from a specific input without placing much emphasis on the interaction between components, whereas the London approach builds upon this by advocating for the use of mocks to ensure the correct interactions between components. Armanm expresses a preference for the Detroit style due to its lower coupling with implementation details, but acknowledges the practical need for a hybrid of both styles in real-world scenarios. They speculate that Classic techniques may be more naturally aligned with Elixir's functional paradigm but highlights the potential drawbacks such as slower test suites when working with databases.

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