Creating a Visitor Counting Website Using Elixir and Phoenix

Creating a Visitor Counting Website Using Elixir and Phoenix
The author Temal narrated his journey in learning Elixir through a practical project; he created a website that features a visitor counter. This website isn't just any ordinary website, it's built upon a globally distributed Elixir cluster, using diminutive AWS t3.nano FreeBSD VMs for hosting. The VMs are connected through a wireguard mesh network and use mnesia for database handling. Although the website was created as an educational exercise and doesn't serve a specific practical purpose, the process was both enjoyable and informative for Temal. He also provides direct links to access the site across different continents, in regions such as Europe, Africa, Asia Pacific, and South America, demonstrating the global distribution in action. Furthermore, he has shared the project's source code on GitHub for others to learn from or potentially contribute to. He mentions that the site might go down due to limited memory, and provides archive links as a contingency.

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