Developing Procedurally Generated Games with Elixir

Developing Procedurally Generated Games with Elixir
Nicholas Scheurich shares his journey in video game development using Elixir, combining his professional background with his passion for games. He reminisces about his childhood interest in gaming, sparked by the Nintendo Entertainment System and games like The Legend of Zelda and Rogue. Nicholas explores the idea of creating a game where players collaboratively generate content in real-time, akin to the storytelling aspects of Dungeons & Dragons. He details the structuring of his game using Elixir, leveraging the language’s robust ecosystem, including tools like Phoenix channels, LiveView, and the Expanse ECS framework. He provides insights into his prototype, demonstrating how different components interact and the considerations for using Elixir to manage game state, real-time interactions, and procedural content generation.

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