Development of Haystack: An Elixir-Based Full-Text Search Library

Development of Haystack: An Elixir-Based Full-Text Search Library


Type: Post

Philip Brown presents Haystack, an open source full-text search engine library, specifically designed for Elixir projects. He discusses motivations behind Haystack's development, focusing on avoiding extra infrastructure and minimizing costs. The advantages of Haystack are described, especially the ease of integrating full-text search capabilities into Elixir projects without necessitating external services or infrastructure like Elasticsearch clusters or a database. The article also delves into Haystack's building blocks, beginning with tokenization of incoming data to build a searchable index, applying transformations on tokens, and implementing modular and configurable storage layers. The indexing process and defining queries for the search engine are highlighted, along with a conclusion on the suitability of Haystack for Elixir applications.

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