Difficulties in Compiling Elixir NIFs on Windows using mingw

Difficulties in Compiling Elixir NIFs on Windows using mingw
Hezwat recounted their unsuccessful attempt to compile an Elixir Native Implemented Function (NIF) using mingw-64 on Windows. Despite successfully compiling a simple 'hello world' program with msys2, the author encountered issues including the required file erl_nif.h when trying to run their own NIF. Even when testing with an existing Elixir project (bcrypt_elixir), similar compilation issues arose. As a result of this experience, hezwat suggests that it is more feasible to compile NIFs on Linux due to better support. The author also mentions they are seeking a job as an Elixir developer and has an interest in joining a team that uses Docker on Linux to further their learning journey.

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