Discussing Lexical LS and Development User Experience in Elixir

Discussing Lexical LS and Development User Experience in Elixir

Source: thinkingelixir.com

Type: Podcast

The episode explores the emergence of new projects in the domain of Language Servers within the Elixir community. It sheds light on Steve Cohen's initiative, termed Lexical LS, which serves as an Elixir Language Server project. Cohen discusses the duration of the project, its current capabilities, the complexities encountered during development, and the reasons for the existence of opportunities for new contributions in this sphere. Lexical LS is noted for its architecture that encourages community participation and development. In addition to the discussion with Steve Cohen, the podcast episode touches upon various Elixir community news, including Elixir version updates, the release of Gleam v0.30, introductions of new project analysis tools, alternative approaches to Ecto.Multi, and other novel developments in the ecosystem.

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