Discussion on Bonfire Networks and the Fediverse

Discussion on Bonfire Networks and the Fediverse

Source: thinkingelixir.com

Type: Podcast

In this episode of the Thinking Elixir Podcast, hosts Mark Ericksen, David Bernheisel, and Cade Ward are joined by guest Mayel de Boniol to discuss the 'fediverse' and the role of federated networks in current tech discourse. Mayel, who created Bonfire Networks using Elixir, explains the principles of federated systems and ActivityPub, and how Bonfire Networks serves as an extensible framework for building customized federated servers. The episode also delves into various libraries and tools within the Elixir ecosystem that could be beneficial even outside social application development. Additionally, Elixir Community News is highlighted, covering benchmarks, updates, and news on Livebook, Kino Discord, new Elixir book releases, and more.

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