Discussion on Career Development and Development Environments

Discussion on Career Development and Development Environments

Source: thinkingelixir.com

Type: Podcast

In Episode 8 of the Thinking Elixir Podcast, hosts Mark Ericksen, David Bernheisel, and Cade Ward talk about various aspects of career development for programmers. The episode highlights potential changes due to COVID-19 and dives into the hosts' development environments. They discuss different editors and resources, elaborate on using tools like asdf and Docker, and explore best practices and tips for maintaining an efficient development workflow. The episode also includes segments on Elixir community news, such as improvements in ElixirSense and ElixirLS tools, and mentions ongoing events like ElixirConf EU and US. Additionally, the hosts provide various links to resources, from setting up development tools to career-related podcasts and articles.

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