Discussion on Elixir Development Tools and Language Server Protocols

Discussion on Elixir Development Tools and Language Server Protocols

Source: thinkingelixir.com

Type: Podcast

This podcast episode delves into the latest advancements in Elixir development tools, putting a spotlight on language servers. Guest Mitch Hanberg introduces gen_lsp, a generic behavior for building language servers that he used to create a language server for Credo, a static code analysis tool for Elixir. The hosts and guest discuss the potential impact of this tool on Elixir programming, touching on topics like code formatting and Temple, an alternative to Phoenix templates. The episode also touches on other Elixir-related news and advancements, such as the Elixir 1.15-rc.0 release, proposals for new sigils, and the visual representation of OTP behaviors. The discussion aims to convey the evolving landscape of Elixir developer tools and the opportunities they create.

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