Educational Applications of Livebook in Elixir

Educational Applications of Livebook in Elixir


Type: Video

Brooklin Myers' talk at ElixirConf 2022 focused on the lessons learned from utilizing Livebook to create interactive Elixir learning materials. Livebook, an interactive code notebook platform often used for teaching, documentation, and rapid prototyping, has become increasingly relevant in educational contexts for Elixir programming. Myers emphasized how Livebook can aid in creating effective teaching materials, interactive code examples, exercises, tests, and even support the organization of large projects with visuals like charts and diagrams. Connecting Mix projects and external dependencies is streamlined with Livebook, offering a convenient alternative to the traditional IEx shell. The presentation showcased how teaching is not limited to formal education but extends to developer onboarding and community documentation. Myers also offered insights into managing large collections of Livebook notebooks and creating educational tools with Livebook.

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