Elixir's suitability for cryptocurrency applications

Elixir's suitability for cryptocurrency applications

Source: reddit.com

Type: Discussion

A user, Oloftlol, brought up a question in a forum asking about the applicability of Elixir for building cryptocurrency solutions, given its proficiency in managing high volumes of transactions concurrently and scaling efficiently. They were curious if the language's capabilities matched the requirements of the crypto sector. A follow-up comment from avdept clarified that transactions in Elixir are not the same as database transactions, implying that the concurrency model of Elixir doesn't necessarily relate to cryptocurrency transaction processing. Another user, --mrperx--, pointed out that the usage of Elixir in the cryptocurrency realm seems limited. They noted that after reviewing Elixir packages related to cryptocurrencies on hex.pm, the official package manager for the Elixir language, it appears that there isn't significant popularity or usage of those packages. This suggests that in the cryptocurrency world, other languages such as TypeScript, Go, and Rust might be more prevalent.

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