Exploring Design Patterns in Elixir by José Valim

Exploring Design Patterns in Elixir by José Valim
José Valim's keynote at ElixirConf EU 2024 delves into the applicability of Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns within Elixir programs. Valim explains that while these patterns originated in the context of object-oriented programming, they can be adapted to functional programming paradigms such as Elixir. Through detailed examples and explanations, Valim introduces several key design patterns like mediator, facade, and strategy, and discusses how these patterns manifest in Elixir code. He addresses common issues like inheritance and object encapsulation, emphasizing Elixir's approach of decoupling behavior, state, and mutability, which guides more modular and maintainable code. The talk also suggests that many design patterns inherently align with Elixir’s core principles of concurrency, distribution, and fault tolerance, highlighting native constructs like GenServers, Supervisors, and Phoenix contexts.

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