Exploring Ecto Associations and More

Exploring Ecto Associations and More

Source: thinkingelixir.com

Type: Podcast

In this podcast episode with Mark Ericksen, Sheharyar Naseer talks about Ecto's feature 'association defaults' and how it functions. They discuss how this feature supports defining a function during changeset operations, useful for scenarios such as ensuring multi-tenancy IDs are correctly populated. The conversation then shifts to the product Slab and Single Table Inheritance (STI) designs, weighing their pros and cons. The hosts also dive into the idea of wrapping the Repo module in Elixir, exploring its benefits for development and maintenance. Additionally, the episode contains news highlights from the Elixir community, discussing recent acquisitions, updates from the OTP team, and advancements in Elixir like collaborative editing in Livebook.

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