Exploring Future Directions for Surface and Phoenix LiveView

Exploring Future Directions for Surface and Phoenix LiveView
Marlus Saraiva's article delves into the recent changes in Phoenix LiveView with the introduction of component-based features. The changes aim to transform Phoenix's template-based model into a more component-friendly approach, enhancing development experiences. Saraiva shares the motivation behind the creation of Surface, a library for building components in Phoenix, and highlights the limitations in LiveView's component model that Surface aims to address. Key areas of improvement include providing a robust stateless component API, a HTML/component-aware template engine, and a clear declarative interface for components. The new function components introduced in Phoenix LiveView promise better composability and reusability across different parts of applications. Saraiva explains the benefits of the new HEEx templating language that makes LiveView more HTML-aware, improving error handling and development ergonomics. He concludes by discussing the long-term goals of integrating more Surface features into Phoenix LiveView to create a solid foundation for reusable component-driven development.

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