Exploring the Link Between Software Development, Nostalgia, and Fun

Exploring the Link Between Software Development, Nostalgia, and Fun

Source: bernheisel.com

Type: Post

David Bernheisel illustrates the concept of nostalgia and its evolution from a medical condition to an emotional state that recalls pleasant memories, often with psychological benefits. Nostalgia and video games, both packed with patterns, can enhance our psychological well-being and learning process. The discussion suggests that software development is similar to games with its use of patterns to solve problems, and the article delves into the details of several coding patterns in Elixir, exploring how they contribute to the enjoyment and productivity of developers. The patterns include pipelines, monads, happy path, totality, and composition, which enable devs to communicate effectively and find joy in programming. Ultimately, the adoption of good patterns in Elixir and other languages makes development fun and gives developers a sense of belonging and the opportunity for growth.

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