Geocoding Techniques in Elixir and Phoenix LiveView

Geocoding Techniques in Elixir and Phoenix LiveView
Joshua Plicque presents a talk on the implementation of geocoding features in Elixir, as part of a routing software for a grocery delivery service. The project relied on converting addresses into latitude and longitude coordinates, necessary for drawing routes on a map and ensuring efficient delivery. Joshua emphasizes the importance of a structured engineering method in tackling such software problems and showcases the use of Elixir technologies like Ecto multis, oban for background jobs, LeafletJS for mapping, and Phoenix LiveView for real-time features. He also underscores the use of Phoenix PubSub for real-time updates in a live dashboard called Mission Control. The approach to the project was systematic, starting by stating the problem clearly, listing assumptions, and designing solutions accordingly—a method that Joshua believes can greatly reduce imposter syndrome in the industry.

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