Guide to Creating ETL Pipelines Using Elixir and GenStage

Guide to Creating ETL Pipelines Using Elixir and GenStage


Type: Post

This article by Osman Perviz introduces us to the concepts of using Elixir and GenStage to build concurrent ETL pipelines, ideal for real-time data processing tasks. It begins with an example of setting up a log stream as source data in Elixir, followed by an in-depth exploration into GenStage, which is an Elixir behavior designed for Producer/Consumer workflows and offering back-pressure capabilities. The author emphasizes the roles and interactions between producers, consumers, and producer-consumers within GenStage, then proceeds to illustrate how to set up each component with Elixir code snippets. Furthermore, the article touches on ensuring data validity and consistency with Elixir's features such as Ecto and custom validators, accentuating GenStage's utility in handling concurrency and its advantages in resilience and scalability compared to traditional threading models. The guide provides practical insights for Elixir developers aiming to enhance data operations, though the article ends with a call to share experiences on managing ETL with Elixir's technologies, subtly opening the floor for community engagement.

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