Immutability in Software Development with Dave Thomas and Hannes Lowette

Immutability in Software Development with Dave Thomas and Hannes Lowette


Type: Podcast

In an interview recorded at GOTO Amsterdam, Dave Thomas, widely known for his work on The Manifesto for Agile Software Development and The Pragmatic Programmer, converses with Hannes Lowette about the evolution of software development. They delve into the topic of immutability, touching on its application in code and databases. Dave explains how immutability in code, represented by unique identifiers instead of names, facilitates the frequent yet safe amendments of code bases without disrupting interfaces relied upon by other users. Similarly, immutable databases offer benefits in data management through ease of use and reliability. The discussion also emphasizes the historical challenges developers faced with rapidly changing frameworks and tools, the importance of adapting to new technologies, and the necessity for constant learning in an industry progressively shaped by advanced artificial intelligence tools.

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