Implementing an Elixir-Based Distributed Router for GDPR Compliance

Implementing an Elixir-Based Distributed Router for GDPR Compliance
De Wet Blomerus presents the challenge and solution to comply with GDPR by moving EU customers' authentication requests to a new instance of their legacy Rails login service located within the EU. To achieve this goal, a globally distributed router was built using Elixir. This router routes traffic according to the region, ensuring EU traffic remains confined within EU borders, addressing both latency and privacy concerns. Elixir was selected for this task because it can manage high-density traffic, it is equipped to handle long-lived network connections, and it allows complex routing logic to be broken down into comprehensible steps using `Plug.Conn`. Throughout the development, the team encountered and learned from certain mistakes, such as over-optimizing for performance, underestimating resource requirements, and misjudging the project's complexity. Ultimately, their Elixir service provided a fast, GDPR-compliant routing mechanism that added minimal latency to user transactions.

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