Implementing Magic Link Authentication in Phoenix LiveView

Implementing Magic Link Authentication in Phoenix LiveView
John Curran has created a detailed guide on how to integrate magic link authentication into a Phoenix LiveView application. Magic link authentication allows users to log in to a web application through a unique link sent to their email, thus eliminating the need for entering passwords. The guide takes a systematic approach, explaining the process in five simple steps: extending the sign-in form, generating a secure sign-in token, creating the magic link email template, sending the email, and logging in the user from the link. Curran also provides supporting code snippets, considerations for security such as token expiry, and additional context for setting up the Phoenix LiveView app with the appropriate authentication scaffolding using `phx.gen.auth`. This tutorial assumes that the reader is using certain versions of Elixir, Erlang, Phoenix, and LiveView, and includes a note on tweaks for previous LiveView versions. A full repository with implemented code is also available.

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