Implementing RAG System for Elixir Codebases

Implementing RAG System for Elixir Codebases
The article, authored by Christoph Beck, details the process of adapting a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) system to work with Elixir codebases. Initially developed for Ruby, the system uses LangChain, a toolkit that supports language models, to parse documents and generate a vector database. This second post in the series focuses on extending the system to Elixir by utilizing LangChain’s recent support for multiple programming languages, including Elixir, through the Tree-sitter parser library. It explains how code can be split and chunked to allow the language model to understand it and describes the practical steps of implementing this system for a popular Elixir project, the Phoenix Framework. The article also includes a test scenario where a pull request issue within the Phoenix Framework is debugged and resolved using the RAG system, demonstrating its functionality. Finally, it offers an outlook on future improvements and encourages readers to consult with bitcrowd for further customization.

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