Implementing Voice Activity Detection in Elixir Using Membrane and Silero VAD

Implementing Voice Activity Detection in Elixir Using Membrane and Silero VAD


Type: Post

The content describes the author's experience developing a Voice Activity Detection (VAD) system in Elixir, utilizing the Silero VAD model through ONNX in conjunction with the Membrane framework. The author outlines the challenges faced while aligning the correct versions of the Silero VAD model with the Elixir library Ort, and shares valuable resources and community help that facilitated the project. The article highlights the efficiency of using VAD for real-time audio processing and mentions the positive enhancements in handling various audio inputs. Furthermore, the author presents a Membrane pipeline that manages audio input and processing, showcasing the structure and functionality of each component involved in this VAD implementation. The article emphasizes the integration of VAD with voice-command systems and the potential future enhancements the author aims to achieve.

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