Integrating Flume for Background Jobs in Elixir

Integrating Flume for Background Jobs in Elixir


Type: Post

The article, written by Pulkit Goyal, provides a comprehensive guide on using Flume, a job processing system with GenStage and Redis, in Elixir applications. Flume offers features like durability, back pressure control, job scheduling, rate limiting, and batch processing. It stands out as an alternative to Oban and Exq, particularly when rate limiting and batch processing are required. The setup involves adding Flume to your mix.exs file, integrating it into the application's supervision tree, and configuring it in the config.exs file. The author outlines the process of creating workers and pipelines, illustrating how to set parameters such as maximum concurrency and rate limits. The topic of runtime control using Flume's pause and resume functions is also covered. In addition, the article touches on advanced features like back-off strategies for failed jobs, telemetry integration, and provides best practices for production environments. The guest author also suggests keeping job payloads small and ensuring idempotency.

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