Integrating Single-Page Applications with Phoenix LiveView

Integrating Single-Page Applications with Phoenix LiveView


Type: Post

The author discussed the idea of integrating Single-Page Applications (SPAs) with Phoenix LiveView. They provided a solution to the problem of SPAs typically handling routing on the client side, which doesn't involve the server and thus doesn't allow for server-side libraries like LiveView to operate. The author created a sample Phoenix application and a Vite React SPA and proposed a method where the server-side Phoenix app handles the routing and rendering, effectively allowing parts of the SPA to be swapped out with LiveView components. They provided code examples showing how to set up routes in Phoenix to handle SPA views and LiveView views, and demonstrated how to use a `phx-hook` to load the SPA inside LiveView. Further, the author illustrated how links can be handled client-side to navigate between SPA and LiveView with minimal user experience disruptions. They also pointed out potential issues such as UI component mismatches and suggested solutions like using Web Components. The post included a video demo for clarity.

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