Introducing CurlReq and the Power of Sigils in Elixir

Introducing CurlReq and the Power of Sigils in Elixir


Type: Post

This blog post by Derek Kraan introduces CurlReq, a library designed to convert Req Elixir request structs into curl commands. Kraan explains how this idea came about while debugging an API integration and expresses his surprise at the absence of such a library, which led him to develop CurlReq. The article provides code examples and details how the library's functions can be used for better ergonomics, illustrating the process of converting scripts to curl commands and vice versa through sigils. He emphasizes the utility and expressiveness of sigils in Elixir, showcasing how they simplify and extend the language's capabilities. The author also encourages community contributions and highlights how sigils can be used to create more intuitive and concise code.

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