Introducing ErrorTracker: A Built-in Elixir Error Reporting and Tracking Tool

Introducing ErrorTracker: A Built-in Elixir Error Reporting and Tracking Tool


Type: Post

Cristian Álvarez Belaustegui addresses the issue of SaaS fatigue, particularly with third-party error reporting tools, which often come with costs and data ownership concerns. He highlights the value of error tracking but points out that many projects avoid it due to the need for third-party services. To solve this, he introduces ErrorTracker, a self-hosted error tracking solution integrated with Elixir. ErrorTracker allows developers to keep error data within their own systems, avoiding third-party dependencies, costs, and compliances. The tool integrates with existing web servers and databases and includes a Phoenix LiveView dashboard for managing errors. Cristian emphasizes the convenience and control that come with using a local solution for error tracking.

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