Introducing the Modulex Package for Simplified Mocking in Elixir

Introducing the Modulex Package for Simplified Mocking in Elixir


Type: Post

Pedro Piñera Buendía delves into mocking with Elixir and identifies common complexities such as boilerplate code and inconsistent naming when using packages like Mox. To address these issues, Piñera develops Modulex, an Elixir package that leverages macros to produce cleaner, more maintainable code. Modulex opts for convention over configuration to standardize the creation and referencing of modules and behaviors. The result is a more concise and ergonomic way to define modules with default implementations and behaviors. Piñera invites feedback on Modulex, which stands as his first foray into Elixir macros, highlighting a learning journey filled with rewarding experiences.

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