Introduction of LangChain Library for Elixir

Introduction of LangChain Library for Elixir
Mark Ericksen has created the LangChain library for Elixir, which is designed to simplify the process of incorporating large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, into Elixir applications. The library provides abstraction across different LLMs, reducing boilerplate and offering various tools for automation. Initially, it supports ChatGPT, but future LLM support is planned, including Meta's Llama 2 and Google's Bard. The Elixir community is encouraged to contribute to expanding the library's LLM support. This library is aimed at developers interested in utilizing Elixir to work with ChatGPT or other LLMs and offers features such as streaming responses, template-based prompt building, extraction of structured data from text, and the integration of LLM-specific functionality into Elixir applications. It also includes a 'hello world' example showcasing how to interact with ChatGPT using the library. The content emphasizes the statelessness of LLM conversations and describes how conversations can be stored and continued seamlessly later on. The article provides guidance for getting started with LangChain, including examples in the project's Livebook notebooks and online documentation.

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