Introduction to LiveState for Elixir and Building Embeddable Web Apps

Introduction to LiveState for Elixir and Building Embeddable Web Apps


Type: Post

The article, authored by Pulkit Goyal, provides an extensive overview of LiveState for Elixir and its applications in building embeddable web applications. It starts with an introduction to LiveView and its benefits, such as server-side state management which simplifies client-server interaction. LiveState is then introduced as an extension of LiveView, designed to bring similar benefits to embeddable web apps like comment sections, contact forms, and chat bubbles. The guide is detailed, providing step-by-step instructions on how to set up a Phoenix application with LiveState, create a channel, integrate with `LitElement` for frontend development, and bundle the application for embedding. Additional use cases for highly interactive client components are discussed, along with integration tips for JavaScript frameworks like React. The article concludes by summarizing the advantages of using LiveState for centralized state management, real-time updates, and enhanced security in web apps.

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