Latest Updates on Elixir Development and Community

Latest Updates on Elixir Development and Community
In Episode 203 of the Thinking Elixir Podcast, hosts Mark Ericksen and David Bernheisel discuss recent news and developments in the Elixir community. Key highlights include Phoenix LiveView approaching its 1.0 release with insights from the changelog and comparisons to other web development frameworks. Theo offers a positive reaction from a React and JS perspective. José Valim's keynote at ElixirConf EU 2024 revisits the 'Gang of Four' design patterns and their application in Elixir. Chris McCord introduces the World Page Speed Test using FLAME, demonstrating its advantages over traditional tools. The release of Ash 3.0 after 46 release candidates is also covered, along with Oban support moving to ElixirForum for better searchability. Additional updates include changes in mapping performance, naming conventions, and other community-generated content.

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