Managing Many-to-Many Relationships in Elixir with Ecto and LiveView

Managing Many-to-Many Relationships in Elixir with Ecto and LiveView
Berenice Medel provides an in-depth guide on efficiently sorting and deleting elements in many-to-many relationships using Ecto's new :sort_param and :delete_param options in conjunction with Phoenix LiveView. The post starts with an overview of defining the necessary Ecto schemas for a bookstore application, where books can have many authors and vice versa. By leveraging the sorting and deletion capabilities, Medel explains how to maintain the association order and clean up unneeded records directly from a LiveView form. The example covers building the changeset functions needed to handle sorting and deletion parameters and dives into how to construct an interactive form for user input. The form utilizes hidden inputs and checkboxes to manage the order and association of authors to books. Lastly, the post touches on some considerations for robustly handling such many-to-many relationships and concludes by showcasing how is an excellent place to deploy Phoenix LiveView apps.

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