New Mix Install Feature and ExDocs for Erlang in Elixir 1.12

New Mix Install Feature and ExDocs for Erlang in Elixir 1.12


Type: Podcast

This episode of the Thinking Elixir podcast features Wojtek Mach, who returns to talk about several exciting updates coming to Elixir. The main focus is on the new Mix.install/2 feature that will be part of Elixir 1.12, aimed at making it easier for script authors to manage dependencies. Other updates include improvements in OTP 24, ExDocs support for Erlang libraries, and discussion on when Elixir 1.12 might be released. The episode also covers several community news items such as the new Elixir Book Club, updates in the Oban Pro release, and enhancements in the Nx library for early binding support for LibTorch.

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