Organizing Email Logic within Phoenix Framework

Organizing Email Logic within Phoenix Framework


Type: Post

In the blog post by Yevhenii Kurtov, a comprehensive strategy for structuring email logic within a Phoenix application is outlined, emphasizing the significance of treating email communications with the same architectural importance as web communications within a project's codebase. Two key libraries are highlighted: Oban, which provides retry capabilities for background jobs, and Bamboo, which abstracts the complexities of interfacing with Email Service Providers (ESPs) and offers email previews. The author advises placing email-related code in a dedicated subsystem and addresses how to structure the email logic, from enqueuing jobs with Oban to rendering templates and sending emails using Bamboo. Emphasis is placed on creating a clear and minimal public API for the email subsystem and ensuring that emails are sent asynchronously, without overwhelming ESP services. There is also a discussion on sending mass communications properly and handling environmental configurations for different deployment stages, including the development of adapters for various ESPs. Toward the end of the article, the author suggests a potential improvement involving the MJML NIF for transpiling templates, though noting trade-offs with Elixir's compile-time checks and template interpolation.

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