Organizing Phoenix Application Code through Context Structuring

Organizing Phoenix Application Code through Context Structuring
Ahmed Mansour compares the challenge of keeping a software application organized to maintaining order in a physical space, where both can become cluttered over time. Drawing from this analogy, he speaks to the common issue of Phoenix contexts becoming unwieldy as an application grows, which can make code difficult to manage. Mansour proposes a layering approach to context structuring, breaking them down into a Public Context layer for the app's public API, a Schema layer for Ecto schemas, a Queries layer for database operations, and a Changesets layer dedicated to data validation. This method of compartmentalizing functions within contexts aims to reduce complexity and make the codebase more readable and manageable. Mansour advocates for this structured approach not only in complex systems but also in simpler contexts to maintain consistency and predictability in the code. He also notes the utility of the `embedded_schema` for providing a clean public-facing data structure. Furthermore, Mansour encourages the sharing of strategies to combat complexity in software development.

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