Overview of Episode 217: The Unified Elixir Language Server and More Community News

Overview of Episode 217: The Unified Elixir Language Server and More Community News

Source: thinkingelixir.com

Type: Podcast

In Episode 217 of the Thinking Elixir Podcast, hosts Mark Ericksen and David Bernheisel provide a comprehensive update on significant developments within the Elixir community. A key highlight is the official announcement of the Elixir Language Server team, comprising of Jonatan Kłosko, Łukasz Samson, Mitch Hanberg, and Steve Cohen, sponsored by Fly.io and Livebook. They also discuss the release of Oban v2.18.1, featuring automatic transaction retries and backoff. Further discussions include German Velasco's new video on using `unquote_splicing/1`, the upcoming 'Elixir Patterns' book by Alex Koutmos and Hugo Baraúna, and the details of the upcoming CodeBEAM Lite conference in NYC. The hosts encourage the community to share their news and interact with the show via various social media platforms.

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