Overview of Req HTTP Client Capabilities in Elixir

Overview of Req HTTP Client Capabilities in Elixir

Source: youtube.com

Type: Video

Wojtek Mach presented an Elixir HTTP client called Req, which offers a 'batteries-included' approach, providing out-of-the-box functionality like response decompression, redirects following, error retries, etc. Developers can reuse, re-arrange, or write new functions thanks to its 'replaceable batteries' approach. Req has a distinct set of functions that form the client's features and is extensible, allowing developers to extend it as needed. It comes with various features such as request body compression, response body decompression, request body encoding, automatic response body decoding and auth support. Req is built on top of Finch, but allows for custom adapters. Mach's talk included a demo showcasing how to use Req, highlighting how data is passed through a series of functions (steps), managing requests, handling responses, and processing errors. He concluded by mentioning planned future features including proper caching, cookies, and multipart support, with the intent to keep the API stable.

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