Personalizing Elixir Applications for Cultural Sensitivity

Personalizing Elixir Applications for Cultural Sensitivity


Type: Podcast

This episode of the Thinking Elixir Podcast features Kip Cole, who talks about the importance of making Elixir applications culturally aware through localization and personalization. Kip Cole emphasizes how a lack of cultural consideration in applications can cause unintentional misunderstandings or offenses. He introduces several libraries he has developed for Elixir—ex_cldr, money, and tempo—that help localize applications. These tools help format names, numbers, and dates, and take into account various international standards and cultural practices. The episode also covers recent updates in the Elixir community, including new releases of Phoenix LiveView and PhxLiveStorybook, as well as a discussion on various online resources for learning more about localization and related topics.

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