Release of Doggo, an Unstyled Phoenix Component Library

Release of Doggo, an Unstyled Phoenix Component Library


Type: Discussion

The release of Doggo introduces a set of unstyled components for the Phoenix framework, which aligns with standardized HTML semantics and provides accessibility features. It promotes the use of semantic HTML and ARIA attributes over CSS classes for styling bindings. The goal behind the development of Doggo was to have a reusable component library that can be styled according to the developer's preference and was born from the need to have an alternative to the Phoenix's tailwind-based components for project bootstrapping. The components added in various releases include interactive components such as tab navigation, image handling, and more advanced ones ensuring that even the basic set of components are covered without any JavaScript required, maintaining accessibility standards. The latest releases expanded the library further with components like avatars and badges. The library is available on GitHub, and discussions on the forum suggest a future direction focusing on expanding accessibility features and including more component stories for a better developer experience.

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