Sorting Map Keys in Elixir with IEx Configuration

Sorting Map Keys in Elixir with IEx Configuration


Type: Post

The article addresses changes introduced in OTP 26 that have resulted in map keys being displayed in a seemingly random order within the Interactive Elixir Shell (IEx), which might lead to a confusing developer experience. Mark Ericksen explains that the change is due to optimizations in the internal sort order of atom keys in small maps, as per the official release notes of Erlang OTP and Elixir. Ericksen then outlines a solution to this problem by using the ':sort_maps' custom option in the IO.inspect function call and configuring the '.iex.exs' file to sort map keys by default. Additionally, he shares his own '.iex.exs' file configuration, providing a practical example for users wishing to implement their own customizations in the IEx environment. Ericksen showcases the visual differences between the default and customized IEx prompts, reflecting syntax highlights and a personalized prompt format.

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