Strategies for Recruiting Elixir Developers in 2023

Strategies for Recruiting Elixir Developers in 2023


Type: Video

Arjun Gillard, an Elixir recruiter, gives insight into the job market trends for Elixir developers talking about how it is notably challenging to hire Elixir developers due to a smaller talent pool when compared to other languages. He emphasizes the importance of considering candidates with experience in different programming languages like Node, Ruby, Erlang, and Clojure, as they can learn Elixir on the job. He advocates for remote hiring and distributing teams to tap into a broader base of talent. Moreover, he points out that educational background should not be a barrier to hiring competent developers, as many skilled programmers are self-taught or have non-traditional education. Gillard also stresses the importance of candidate experience during the hiring process, advising timely feedback and transparent communication. Firms should also engage in marketing strategies such as content creation to attract potential employees. Retention is as critical as hiring, and regularly reviewing salaries, discussing career paths, and providing feedback can significantly help in keeping employees engaged and interested.

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