Summary of Elixir v1.14.4 Release Details and User Discussions

Summary of Elixir v1.14.4 Release Details and User Discussions


Type: Discussion

Elixir has announced version 1.14.4 which introduces fundamental compatibility with the impending Erlang/OTP 26 release. It's important to note that OTP 26 introduces internal changes to how maps are handled, affecting their printing and traversal order - although it should be mentioned that maps in Elixir have never promised a particular order. To assist with transitioning projects, the ':sort_maps' option can now be specified in 'Inspect.Opts.custom_options' allowing developers to sort maps before they are printed out. Key improvements include an optimization to application tracing in 'mix compile.elixir', an update that retains shell history in IEx for OTP 26 and beyond, and a diligent handling of comments within code blocks for 'Code.quoted_to_string_with_comments/2'. Noteworthy bug fixes address issues surrounding the creation of stack traces, debugging information, tokenizing escaped interpolations, and certain edge-cases in enumerable functions such as ''. There's also an interaction where certain community members mention issues with OTP 26 RC2, and subsequent engagement from José Valim, providing clarifications and aiming to address the concerns brought up. The discussion highlights some of the migration challenges faced by the community, such as compilation issues and compatibility with new linting errors that were introduced in OTP 26. These challenges are met with active contributions both from the maintainers and the community, working towards resolving them in the subsequent versions.

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