Troubleshooting Deployment with Docker for Phoenix and React applications

Troubleshooting Deployment with Docker for Phoenix and React applications
10smon has developed both frontend and backend components for an application, with the backend built on Phoenix v1.6.5. They have successfully created Docker images but are encountering an error when running the backend image. The error message 'Invalid -name given to erl' indicates a problem with the way the Erlang VM is invoked, which is often a part of a Phoenix application's deployment in a Docker environment. Commenter frellus suggests that the issue might be resolved by sharing more details about the relevant parts of the Dockerfile, highlighting the need for specific information to diagnose deployment problems. Subsequently, 10smon elaborates on their challenge with three separate Docker images for the Postgres database, React frontend, and Phoenix backend and seeks further assistance on container orchestration. Another commenter, arcanemachined, recommends using host networking in Docker for simplicity and provides a helpful Docker networking tutorial for 10smon. Eventually, 10smon resolves the issue by using Docker Compose and a YAML file to configure the services to communicate effectively.

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