Understanding Elixir Configuration and Environment Variables

Understanding Elixir Configuration and Environment Variables

Source: dev.to

Type: Post

The article explores the complexities of configuration in Elixir, distinguishing between application configuration and OS environment variables. It emphasizes that Elixir's configuration system, influenced by Erlang OTP, separates settings into compiled and runtime categories, leading to confusion for developers coming from other languages. It explains how to declare application configurations either directly in the 'mix.exs' file or within dedicated config files for different environments (development, production, test, and runtime). The loading process for these configurations is detailed, including how they can be overridden or modified during runtime. The piece also highlights the use of the System.get_env function to access OS-level environment variables and discusses leveraging third-party libraries like Vapor for more efficient configuration management. Finally, the author recognizes the need for practical examples to reinforce the concepts discussed and expresses a desire to add more content in the future.

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