Understanding Elixir Enum and Stream Modules

Understanding Elixir Enum and Stream Modules

Source: brewingelixir.com

Type: Post

The article discusses the essential data structures such as Lists and Maps, and touches upon Enum and Stream, two critical utility modules in the Elixir language. Enumerables are data types that can be iterated over, and Elixir provides an 'Enumerable' protocol for handling such data uniformly. Collectable, another protocol, is for injecting values into data structures. The Enum module focuses on eager operations that compute results immediately, while Stream module operations are lazy and delay computation until necessary. Streams are especially useful for processing large collections or real-time data, maximizing resource utilization. The article suggests using Enum for normal tasks, while considering Stream for larger datasets or performance-critical operations. Elixir protocols allow for extensible and reusable solutions which can be leveraged to create efficient data-processing pipelines.

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